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Peing-or Goes


It was a lovely sunny day in PAi and Peing-or was taken to the swimming pool by her mother. They went to a very nice swimming pool just out of town where lots of 

Peing-or’s friends often went. The pool was so cooling, they could splash and swim around in complete safety as there was always a lifeguard on duty and of course her mother was always close by. Children are never allowed to be in the swimming pool or the shallow part of the river without an adult being present. Peing-or can swim because her mother taught Peing-or when she was quite young, but the golden rule is never go swimming alone.

Peing-or is splishing and splashing
she thinks it is great really smashing
The water’s so cool so very refreshing
to have a nice pool is such a blessing

Someone else is learning to swim
Who can it be, can you see him
Yes, we we all know who is there
It’s Peing-or’s Mr Teddy Bear

Peing-or and all her friends were having such fun in the swimming pool when suddenly Peing-or felt something on the bottom of the pool with her foot. It wasn’t sharp and it didn’t hurt, it just felt a little lumpy, a little bumpy. She wondered what it might be and decided to kneel in the pool to gather it up. The water was only up to her waist and even kneeling in the water it only came up to her shoulders. She could then feel down to the bottom of the pool with her hand, without even wetting her face to try and retrieve whatever it was she had felt with her toe.

Very carefully Peing-or knelt down slowly. She felt around from side to side then in front of her then behind her and yes there it was, her fingers felt an object. It seemed to move away though as there was a lot of movement in the water because there were other children swimming and playing close by. Again she felt around with her fingers and there it was again, this time Peing-or grasped it firmly in her hand, held on to it tightly and climbed up the steps, out of the pool. She didn’t dare open her hand incase she dropped it but ran over to her mother who had been watching Peing-or and was wondering just what she had been doing.

“Mummy I picked this up from the bottom of the pool” opening her hand now as she felt it safe to do so. What a surprise they both had for it was the most beautiful ring you could ever imagine. “Well we must take this to the pool manager Peing-or” said her mother. “Yes we must” replied Peing-or “whoever lost it must be very sad, very upset” she said. It was time to go home for their dinner anyway so they collected their things and took the ring to the managers office.
The manager was very pleased they had and took Peing-or’s name and address, whilst thanking them for finding it.

It was several days later whilst Peing-or was having her lunch when there was a 
‘Knock, Knock, Knock’ on the door. She called out to her mother that there was someone at the door and they both went to see who it might be. On opening the door they saw two people standing there and beyond their gate Peing-or spied a very impressive car. One was a soldier in his full uniform and Peing-or’s mother recognised his rank as being a General. The other person was a younger lady who they were soon to be informed was his daughter. The General was first to speak and he asked in a very nice yet direct sort of army manner “Does a girl called Peing-or live here”?
“Yes” said Peing-or’s mother “Yes she does” wondering why a General in the Royal Thai Army would be asking.

Peing-or was standing behind her mother with her head peeping round at the visitors as she was just a little shy at this time. The young lady smiled at Peing-or saying. “Is this Peing-or I can see behind you”. “Yes, it is” her mother said.
Smiling and bending down the General then said to Peing-or
“We have come to thank you Peing-or for finding my daughters engagement ring and kindly handing it in to the manager at the swimming pool” “My daughter had been swimming there the same day as you, with her friends but had not noticed the ring had slipped from her finger”
His daughter then thanked Peing-or for her honesty whilst giving her a lovely big box of chocolates, an envelope with an invitation for both her and her mother to attend her wedding and a financial reward. 
Peing-or smiled and said to her mother “I will always try to do the correct thing mummy whether there’s a reward or not, but these chocolates do look scrumptious and Mr Teddy Bear likes chocolates as well”

Coming Soon ~ Story No 3

~~~~Another Further Adventures of Peing-or Story coming soon~~~~

‘Peing-or in the Secret Garden’

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