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Peing-or and the

Secret Garden 

Peing-or and her mother were out walking one bright, early morning summer's day when Peing-or noticed a rather unusual looking bird. It was very beautifully coloured, a little smaller than the other birds she had seen in PAi and it seemed to be holding something in its beak. Such a bird she had never seen before. It was perched in a tree just a little way in front of them and Peing-or pointed it out to her mother saying “Mummy, mummy look at that bird in the tree over there, isn’t it lovely mummy?”

“Yes I see it Peing-or, it is a very nice looking bird and I don’t think I recognise it as one I have ever seen before” she replied. “Me neither mummy, I haven’t seen one like that before and can you see mummy it has something quite large in it’s beak?”

As Peing-or and her mother walked closer to the tree where the bird was perched it suddenly left it’s perch and flapping its wings hovered directly over their heads.

Then as they were looking up at the bird it opened its beak allowing the object to fall down towards them. Peing-or as quick as lightning stretched out her arms and caught the object safely in her hands. “Look mummy” she said in amazement holding her hands open, “it is a bright brass key mummy”. “Yes it is Peing-or, I wonder what door it opens'' replied her mother. Then as they looked at the bird which had returned to it’s perch it again flew away into the distance only to hover again and sing loudly whilst flapping its wings in a beckoning way. “Look at that Peing-or the lovely bird seems to be asking us to go over where it is hovering?” They hurriedly walked to where the bird was now perched on a branch close to what looked like a very high prickly bramble and ivy covered wall. 

The bird flew away again along and around the very high wall with Peing-or and her mother following as fast as they could. It was difficult at times because the grass was high and there were lots of bushes to navigate,however the bird hovered at times allowing them to catch up. It really was a very long winding wall which seemed to enclose a very large area. Peing-or and her mother were a little tired now and had to sit on the comfortable thick grass for a rest.Thankfully Peing-or’s mother had brought a nice picnic basket with sandwiches and fruit to eat. The beautiful bird settled close to Peing-or and sang a very beautiful tune while they ate their food.

and rested for a while.

Once they were fully rested,again they followed the bird until and amazingly they came to what was a BiG, high old wooden door. Either side of the old door was the equally high ivy and very prickly bramble covered wall. “Look, look mummy, the BiG old wooden door has a keyhole, do you think this key opens the lock?” “Well let’s try the key in the lock Peing-or, maybe it does”. Peing-or gently and carefully put the key into the lock and slowly turned it. There was a sudden ‘Clunk’ as the key opened the lock on the BiG old wooden door.

As Peing-or carefully pulled open slightly the BiG old wooden door with the high wall either side it began to creak, it began to squeak. Ever so slowly the BiG old wooden door opened just enough for Peing-or to peep inside and what she saw was truly wonderfully amazing. Sunbeams flooded into the garden blanketing it in a bright golden yellow haze. As her eyes got used to the bright sunlight Peing-or could see that it was the most beautiful garden she had ever seen. There were tall trees and flowers of every colour, every hue and manicured lush green lawns. “Oh mummy” whispered Peing-or “isn’t this the most amazingly wonderful place” and before her mother could reply a very soft, pleasant voice replied “Yes it is isn’t it, this is a Secret Garden and whoever the beautiful coloured bird allows to catch the key can enter it as often as they may”.

Looking behind them from where the voice seemed to come from, Peing-or and her mother could not see anyone.

“I wonder who was speaking to us Peing-or, I can’t see anyone”. “I can’t see anyone either mummy” Peing-or replied. Then to their amazement a face appeared on the tree close by them. “It was me that spoke to you, all the trees in the garden can speak but only to be helpful to those allowed to enter the Secret Garden”. “You both must be very nice, helpful and kind for the bird to let you have the Secret Garden key, you are the very first to be allowed” the tree said… “You must guard the key well, keep it safe because once you leave the garden the lock will close again and you will only get in if you have the key”.

Still quite shocked at what had happened, they stood just inside the garden looking around at the beautiful scenery. The leafy trees, the berry bushes and flowers of every colour you could ever imagine. Peing-or was so delighted to see the manicured lawns but curious as to how this could be. So she shyly yet purposefully in a quiet voice asked the tree. ‘Dear Mr Tree could you tell me how the lawns are kept so neat, so wonderfully tidy please”. ‘Why yes I can'' replied the tree. “We have living in the Secret Garden many different kinds of animals, they are all very friendly and cause no harm” “There is a family of really nice shy rabbits which look after the lawns” “they nibble at the grass in the early evening and this keeps the lawns looking so well kept”. “Thank you” replied Peing-or “I like rabbits very much and the Secret Garden rabbits are very good at taking care of the lawns''

“We must go home now Mr Tree” said Peing-or’s mother “It is getting late, but may we thank you for telling us about the garden”.

“But we will return again very soon Mr Tree” replied Peing-or, “because the Secret Garden is such a very special place, such a magical garden”. replied Peing-or.

“Mummy, what an exciting, adventurous time we had today”

“Shall we come again mummy, as often as we may”

“I will remember what Mr Tree told us both about the key”

“I will guard the key well and always keep it very close to me”

Coming soon:

the next Happy Adventures of Peing-or

Story No 4

Peing-or at the beach

And the Old Green Bottle she found when the tide went out

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