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Peing-or and the Miraculously Massive, Magical Soap Bubble

It was a very nice cool day in Pai and Peing-or was out playing in the Secret garden. She decided to play skipping, tumbling and running around in the garden. She was having a lot of fun playing but after a while when the sun started shining brightly and it became warm she decided to go in doors and play something else, something cooler and lots of fun.

Peing-or was in the secret garden having lots of fun,

playing and running around in the early morning sun.

Then as the sun shines overhead Peing-or goes inside,

because it is cooler there and from the she can hide.


Yes after a while Peing-or is just a little tired and hot because the sun has been shining and so she decides to play another game. Peing-or has been given a soapy water bubble making tin by her mother. She has had a bubble making tin of special soapy water before however this tin was quite different from those she had been given previously as Peing-or was soon to find out. She is quite amazed at the bubbles she can make by blowing into the round wire she was holding. This was so much fun and better than running around in the now quite hot summer sun. The bubbles went up into the air, some floating downwards and ‘popping’ when hitting the ground. Others hovered a while in the air then suddenly they also ‘popped’. One landed on Peing-ors nose then ‘popped’. It tickled her and made her sneeze sending her backwards almost tumbling on the floor. Peing-or laughed as she steadied herself and began blowing more bubbles, lots and lots of them. It really was a wonderful bubble making soapy mixture, like she had never had before.

Blowing bubbles large and small,

up, up they go, floating then they fall.

Bubbles are so colourful so perfectly round,

the more she blew more bubbles grew she found

‘then ‘Popping’ when they touched the ground.


Peing -or likes blowing them here and there,

in the kitchen, her bedroom, simply everywhere.

She watches them floating, wafting in the breeze,

one pops on her nose and makes her sneeze. 🤧 

Which makes Peing-or go all wobbly at her knees.

Peing-or was blowing some more bubbles when she noticed one became quite large with more colours which floated high in the air, yet not so high that they couldn’t see it. She looked at the bubble as it very slowly floated in the breeze and was wafted towards her just a little way away. As the bubble gently brushed against the light shade, it was unlike all the other bubbles because it didn’t pop. It nestled on the light shade and just stayed there. This made Peing- or very curious as to why it hadn’t ’popped’. So she walked over to the light shade to see if she could see why this was.

When Peing-or looked up at the beautifully colour bubble something very strange began to happen to the bubble. She looked intently while calling her mother to come and look. “Mummy, mummy come here quickly” she said in a sort of quiet yet purposeful way. “Look at the bubble mummy, it seems to be moving from side to side and yes look did you see that there was a lump on the side of the bubble”. Her mother said nothing but just looked in amazement, in a very what’s going on here sort of way.

Then all of a sudden the most wonderful thing happened. It was truly amazing.

The bubble did wibble wobble, it began to attain some lumps,

then it did shiver shudder as if it was rolling over bumpy bumps.

The bubble was melting in a golden mist that wafted all around,

drip by drip the bubbles golden starry liquid slipped to the ground.


The bubble very slowly melted away, then ‘popped’ like bubbles do, like bubbles should and Peing-or thought this BiG bubble would. The ‘Popping’ created a golden starry mist all around with the starry droplets ever so gently falling to the ground. The breeze from an open window slowly wafted away the golden starry mist and there hovering where once the magical bubble had been Peing-or saw the most beautiful Fairy. Peing-or was speechless. The Fairy though flew close to her and said how nice it was of Peing-or to blow a magic bubble, then waving her wand saying “I will now fly to the Secret Garden to live with all the other Fairies and I hope to see you there when next you visit”. Then in a flash of tiny golden stars off the fairy was gone, as swift and as silent as a summers breeze.

Peing-or and her mother looked at each other and smiled because it had been a truly exciting and a very wonderfully, magical thing to see. 

“Well” said Peing-or “wasn’t that just such a love thing to see Mummy” who just smiled happily and nodded her head in reply. She knew the Fairy was going to fly the short distance to the Secret Garden where she will live, the Fairy had told Peing-or and hoped to see her and Peing -or when they went there next.

“Mummy” said Peing-or nicely smiling, “may I ask you where you found this magic bubble making mixture because it has all gone and it would be so lovely to have some more mummy and it was indeed a very special, magical soapy bubble making mixture, wasn’t it mummy”

“The bubble making liquid never made a bubble like this before”  said Peing-or”

“And the Fairy has flittered off to the Secret Garden, I will see her again for sure”

“Because I was given the key to the Secret Garden and can visit whenever I may”

“And when I’m there I hope to see the little fairy with all her fairy friends at play”

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