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Peing-or at the beach in Krabi
...And the Very Old Barnacled Green Bottle she found when the tide went...

Peing-or, and her mother went on a holiday to Krabi. They stayed at a very nice resort hotel called Anyavee which had it’s own private beach. The staff were very nice, friendly, so kind and helpful. Peing-or enjoyed the food there and particularly having her breakfast in the open air restaurant each morning and then a very nice ice cream. It was quite warm in the sun and Peing-or had to lick the ice cream quickly before it could melt and run down the cone and sticky her fingers. Peing-or didn’t want to lose even a little drop of the delicious vanilla and strawberry ice ream.

After breakfast Peing-or, her mother went onto the beach. They took two very sturdy but comfortable chairs and a very large umbrella to shade themselves from the sun. 

Peing-or had changed into her nice Minnie Mouse costume and while her mother sat in the shade relaxing Peing-or began to make sand castles which she decorated with seashells Peing-or had found on the beach.

It was while she was looking for shells to decorate her sandcastle that Peing-or had a very serendipity moment, she saw a shiny green object partly buried in the sand. She looked at it for a few seconds then decided to take a closer look. It was a very shiny object and Peing-or could see it resembled the neck of a dark green bottle. Looking even closer now she noticed it had what looked like a cork sticking out from the top. This was very curious Peing-or thought and she decided to try and dig it out with her little spade.

Soon Peing-or had dug the bottle out of the sand, she noticed that there were numerous old sea barnacles and tiny shells stuck to it. The bottle though was not cracked or broken and the cork stopper was still firmly in place. She washed the sand off the bottle which immediately shone brightly green. Peing-or was very pleased, very happy with what she had found particularly as now she could see there was something inside the shiny green bottle.

Her mother and friends were very interested in looking at the very old shiny green bottle and agreed that yes there was something inside. It looked like a piece of paper or card. They couldn’t see exactly what it might be because the bottle was made of thick glass and quite dark green in colour. Peing-or and her mother decided they would wait until they were home again in PAi so that the cork could be very carefully removed and whatever was inside could be gently taken out and examined.

Peing-or returned home from Krabi the next day and they couldn’t wait to take out the cork to see just what was inside. Ever so gently Peing-or’s mother managed to twist and turn, turn and twist the cork until “Pop” out it came. They were both so excited as they gently shook the old shiny green bottle when suddenly out fell an old piece of paper. It was still as dry as the day it had been put into the bottle so tightly had the cork fitted. There was some writing on the paper and it read as follows.

On hearing this Peing-or again gently but firmly shook the old shiny green bottle again and again. Then all of a sudden a piece of material fell out onto the table. She opened up the material and both her mother and Peing-or gasped with astonishment. Inside the material was the most beautiful large Pearl. They took hold of it and examined it in great detail, this was truly a wonderful thing to have found. “We will take it to the Police mummy” Peing-or said, even though the message said it was the finders to keep. Her mother agreed and soon it became news all around PAi and Thailand. The Pearl was sold and some of the money was put in safe keeping for Peing-or for when she went to University and some went to the local animal sanctuary that looks after dogs, cats, elephants and other stray animals.


“Clearing up debris from the beach is a good thing to do and sometimes it can certainly be very interesting mummy” said Peing-or as she held up the Bangkok Newspaper, with Mr Teddy looking on holding the precious Pearl, showing her mother the front page picture of the Old Green Bottle…..

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